Францыск Скарына: новыя даследаванні. Уклад., рэд. Аляксандр Груша. Мінск: Беларуская навука, 2019. 215 с. [Francysk Skaryna: New Studies. Edited by Alexander Grusha. Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka, 2019. 215 pp.] ISBN 978-985-08-2415-8

The second volume of the collection of articles on Francysk Skaryna has just been published by the publisher “Belaruskaia navuka” (Францыск Скарына: новыя даследаванні. Уклад., рэд. Аляксандр Груша. Мінск: Беларуская навука, 2019. 215 с. [Francysk Skaryna: New Studies. Edited by Alexander Grusha. Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka, 2019. 215 pp.] ISBN 978-985-08-2415-8)

This second volume on Francysk Skaryna, under the patronage of the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, continues to publish the works aimed at giving innovative impetus to research on Francysk Skaryna and promoting original, productive and daring ideas in the studies of his personality, his work and his heritage. The authors, researchers from Belarus, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and France discuss truly nonconformist issues. Among them are: the activity of Francysk Skaryna in the Old Town of Prague as an integral component of the local printing process (Petr Voit); the date of birth of Francysk Skaryna (Ilya Lemeshkin); the edition of the Gospel he used (Serguey Temchin); its linguistic model of translation of the Bible (Iryna Budzko), the poetic heritage of Francysk Skaryna (Aliaxandr Brazgunou). One cannot miss other important entries of this collection: meaning of the symbols “triangle” and “trapeze with a cross” of Francysk Skaryna in religious and historical context of the ideas of the Renaissance (Olga Shutova); Ukrainian scriptorium where the rewriting of his texts could have taken place (Nataliia Bondar); and the problematic of the celebration of Francysk Skaryna’s 500th birthday in the Soviet Belarus in 1986-1990 (Raman Voranau).


Read more in Russian: the Preface of the editor of “Francysk Skaryna: New Studies” Alexander Grusha