Published in Францыск Скарына: асоба, дзейнасць, спадчына / Цэнтр. навук. б-ка імя Якуба Коласа Нац. акад. навук Беларусі ; уклад. Аляксандр Груша; рэдкал.: Л. А. Аўгуль [і інш.]. – Мінск : Беларуская навука, 2017. С. 74-102.
This article shows some perspectives and results of C. Geertz’s «thick description» approach and C. Ginzburg’s «clues» paradigm applied to Francysk Skaryna Studies (i. e. «in-depth reading» of such well-known documents as the acts of Francysk Skaryna’s doctoral defence in Padua and the sources of Skaryna’s possible staying in Moscow). Based on the numerous witnesses of foreign authors, contemporaries and travellers, the article carries out this cross-historiographical examination in the context of European Renaissance while tracking the origins and tracing the ways of resolving of some historiographical puzzles on Skaryna. The article discovers a connection between two stories narrated by French cosmographer A. Thevet and English ambassador in Muscovy G. Fletcher, tracking their common background. Such discovery gives more credibility to these two sources concerning Francysk Skaryna, and puts on again the question about Skaryna’s (possible) staying in Moscow on the agenda.
Read the full text of the article in Russian here: