1517b version: the fly with 5 legs. Библиотека Академии Наук, НИОРК, 994 СП

Ilya Lemeshkin. The (un)expected guest on F. Skórin’s portraits

Published in: Berkovskie chteniya. Berkov Readings: Book culture in the context of international contacts. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference.

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Vedi. The watercolor series Францискъ Скоринъ, 2017. Author: Eugene Ivanov

Ilya Lemeškin. The Prague Bible of 1488 and The Ruthenian Bible of Francysk Skaryna. Localization of the Printing House

This article focuses on the colophons of Francysk Skaryna’s Prague editions from 1517 to 1520. A comparative analysis of them

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Praha. Source: Hartmann Schedels Weltchronik (1493)

Ilya Lemeškin. Francysk Skaryna and Prague 1541. The Eldest Son of Skaryna and the date of death of the printer

The reinterpretation of Václav Hájek’s (z Libočan) famous testimony of 1541, based on linguistic and contextual analysis, discovers the path-breaking

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