The Library of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (Academy of Sciences of the BSSR) in 1929-1941. New stage of growth and first losses

The Belarusian Academy of Sciences building which housed the Library in the 1930s-1940s. Source: Central Scientific Library of Yakub Kolas

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Exhibition “Francisk Skorina. Renaissance intellectual between Prague and Vilnius (1470-1552)”. UNESCO World Heritage project in the Czech Republic dedicated to Belarus

UNESCO World Heritage Mission is dedicating its project in the Czech Republic to Belarus. As part of this project, eighteen

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A remarkable event in Francysk Skaryna Studies: Ilya Lemeshkin’s monograph on the portrait of Francysk Skaryna

We are pleased to announce the publication of Ilya Lemeshkin’s book: Илья Лемешкин – Ilja Lemeškinas – Il’ja Lemeškin. Портрет

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National Library of Belarus, October 2020. Photo: O. Shutova

About intellectual landscape of Francysk Skaryna’s «Bible Rus’»: Belarus, the history of ideas and the Round Table «Francysk Skaryna’s studies in France

The National Library of Belarus has become, despite all the skeptics, one of the main tourist attractions of Minsk. The

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Sergey Temchin. Calvary cross over the Old Testament tabernacle in the engraving portrait of Francysk Skaryna

Published: Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kalbos, kultūros ir raštijos tradicijos. Temčinas S. et al. (red.). Vilnius, 2009 (Bibliotheca Archivi Lithuanici, vol.

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Commemorative plaque of Francysk Skaryna in the National Library of the Czech Republic. (Author: Ales Dranets, 1996). The Clementinum, Prague. 18/08/2020. Photo by I. Lemeshkin

The Laboratory of Francysk Skaryna Studies: Solidarity With the Belarusian People. Commemorative plaque of Francysk Skaryna. The Clementinum, Prague

Flowers as a sign of the solidarity with the Belarusian people striving to stop the state violence and to have

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The Golgotha Cross, 16th c.

Olga Shutova. «… So that my brothers Rus’ while reading, may understand better»: «in-deapth reading» and Francysk Skaryna’s symbolism

Published: Францыск Скарына: новыя даследаванні / Цэнтр. навук. б-ка імя Якуба Коласа Нац. акад. навук Беларусі; уклад. Аляксандр Груша; рэдкал.:

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The Book printer. [Panoplia] omnium illiberalium mechanicarum aut sedentariarum artium... H. Schopper, J. Amman. Francofurti ad Moenum: S. Feyerabend, 1568. Courtesy of The Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology

Ales Zhlutka. The unknown pages of Francysk Skaryna’s biography

Published in: Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі. Серыя гуманітарных навук. 2017. № 3. С. 40–50 The article examines the primary

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1517b version: the fly with 5 legs. Библиотека Академии Наук, НИОРК, 994 СП

Ilya Lemeshkin. The (un)expected guest on F. Skórin’s portraits

Published in: Berkovskie chteniya. Berkov Readings: Book culture in the context of international contacts. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference.

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Left: Francysk Skaryna's portrait. Kniga premudrosti Iisusa, syna Sirahova [Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach]. Prague: Francysk Skaryna, 1517. P. 82r. Right: Salomon, fragment. Calendarium. Venetia: Nicolo de Balager (Nicolaus dictus Castilia), 1488; Quot. here is 1511 edition, from Horologio della sapientia et meditationi sopra la passione delnostro signore Iesu Christo vulgare (Venetia: S. da Lovere, 1511)

Olga Shutova. Francysk Skaryna’s Bible and Italie: sources, influences and inspirations

Published in: Berkovskie chteniya. Berkov Readings: Book culture in the context of international contacts. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference.

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Padua. Frontispiece inside the front cover. Bernardini Scardeoni, canonici Patavini, De antiquitate vrbis Patavii, & claris ciuibus Patauinis, libri tres, in quindecim classes distincti. Eivsdem appendix De sepvlchris insignibvs exterorvm Patavii iacentivm. Basileae: Nicolaum Episcopium Iuniorem, 1560. Libri III.

Olga Shutova. Again about Skaryna in Padua: New possibilities of reading the old documents. Time, context, circumstances and attendees

Published in English and Belarusian in Belarusian Review – Winter 2014, vol. 26, No. 4. P. 17-23; Spring 2015, vol.

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Luke the Evangelist, miniature from the Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany, Queen consort of France (1477-1514), Bibliothèque nationale de France

Why did Frantsisk Skorina decide to become the educator?

Published in Груша, А. И. Почему Франциск Скорина решил стать просветителем?  // Современные проблемы книжной культуры: основные тенденции и перспективы развития:

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Иван IV отправляет Осипа Непею в Англию. Миниатюра Никоновской летописи. XVI век. [Public domain / via Wikimedia Commons]

Olga Shutova. «Clues» paradigm in historiography: new perspectives in Francysk Skaryna Biography Studies

Published in Францыск Скарына: асоба, дзейнасць, спадчына / Цэнтр. навук. б-ка імя Якуба Коласа Нац. акад. навук Беларусі ; уклад. Аляксандр

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New book “Francysk Skaryna’s Ruthenian Bible turns 500. Pranciškaus Skorinos Rusėniškajai Biblijai – 500”

New book “Francysk Skaryna’s Ruthenian Bible turns 500. Pranciškaus Skorinos Rusėniškajai Biblijai – 500”

Published in Lithuanian, in the jubilee year 2017, this collective monography is a result of the cooperation between the leading

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The International Scientific Conference “Francysk Skaryna and His Prague Bible. Multilingual Cultural Heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Modernity”

8-9 November 2017 in Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), took place the International Scientific Conference “Francysk Skaryna and his

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