Francysk Skaryna and Res Moscovitana: Polish, English and French sources on “printing incident” in Muscovy
Title page of the Instruction of Sigismund II Augustus to Wojciech Kryski from February 21, 1553 (Instruƈtio legati ad cuius
Read moreThe life of Francysk Skaryna: classic sources and new perspective studies of the biography of Francysk Skaryna
Title page of the Instruction of Sigismund II Augustus to Wojciech Kryski from February 21, 1553 (Instruƈtio legati ad cuius
Read moreUNESCO World Heritage Mission is dedicating its project in the Czech Republic to Belarus. As part of this project, eighteen
Read moreWe are pleased to announce the publication of Ilya Lemeshkin’s book: Илья Лемешкин – Ilja Lemeškinas – Il’ja Lemeškin. Портрет
Read morePublished: Францыск Скарына: новыя даследаванні / Цэнтр. навук. б-ка імя Якуба Коласа Нац. акад. навук Беларусі; уклад. Аляксандр Груша; рэдкал.:
Read morePublished in: Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі. Серыя гуманітарных навук. 2017. № 3. С. 40–50 The article examines the primary
Read morePublished in: Berkovskie chteniya. Berkov Readings: Book culture in the context of international contacts. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference.
Read morePublished in English and Belarusian in Belarusian Review – Winter 2014, vol. 26, No. 4. P. 17-23; Spring 2015, vol.
Read morePublished in Belarus: Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гостарычныя дысцыплнны. Рэд. О. Л. Лiпнiцкая, С. М. Ходзiн. Мiнск: Выд. Белдзяржунiверсiтэта, 2015. This
Read morePublished in Груша, А. И. Почему Франциск Скорина решил стать просветителем? // Современные проблемы книжной культуры: основные тенденции и перспективы развития:
Read morePublished in Францыск Скарына: асоба, дзейнасць, спадчына / Цэнтр. навук. б-ка імя Якуба Коласа Нац. акад. навук Беларусі ; уклад. Аляксандр
Read moreThis article focuses on the colophons of Francysk Skaryna’s Prague editions from 1517 to 1520. A comparative analysis of them
Read moreThe reinterpretation of Václav Hájek’s (z Libočan) famous testimony of 1541, based on linguistic and contextual analysis, discovers the path-breaking
Read moreWell-known and until now non-decrypted sign from Francysk Skaryna’s portrait famous “triangle”, is interpreted here as a Tau-cross linked with
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