The Golgotha Cross, 16th c.
Published: Францыск Скарына: новыя даследаванні / Цэнтр. навук. б-ка імя Якуба Коласа Нац. акад. навук Беларусі; уклад. Аляксандр Груша; рэдкал.: А. І. Груша [і інш.]. – Мінск: Беларуская навука, 2019. [Francysk Skaryna: New Studies. Edited by Alexander Grusha. Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka, 2019. 215 pp.] ISBN 978-985-08-2415-8С. 126-16

The article continues to study Francysk Skaryna’s symbolism based on the idea of linguistic conditioning for learning process. «In-depth» reading of the main source for Skaryna Studies, his Bible, takes into consideration not only his famous Prefaces but also the biblical text itself, with its specific Skaryna’s translation and accentuation of certain ideas. It is suggested that famous Skaryna’s signs – «triangle» and «trapezium», as well as other engravings, have been thought to not «encrypt» but to make more intelligible the content of the Bible for his contemporaries. Francysk Skaryna’s symbolism must be considered as deeply rooted in the religious, Renaissance and even cabalistic context of his quotations.


Read the full text of Olga Shutova. «… So that my brothers Rus’ while reading, may understand better»: «in-deapth reading» and Francysk Skaryna’s symbolism in Russian here: Ольга Шутова. «…Абы братия моя русь, люди посполитые, чтучи могли лепей разумети»: пристальное чтение и вопрос о символике Франциска Скорины