The Book printer. [Panoplia] omnium illiberalium mechanicarum aut sedentariarum artium... H. Schopper, J. Amman. Francofurti ad Moenum: S. Feyerabend, 1568. Courtesy of The Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology

Ales Zhlutka. The unknown pages of Francysk Skaryna’s biography

Published in: Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі. Серыя гуманітарных навук. 2017. № 3. С. 40–50 The article examines the primary

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Left: Francysk Skaryna's portrait. Kniga premudrosti Iisusa, syna Sirahova [Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach]. Prague: Francysk Skaryna, 1517. P. 82r. Right: Salomon, fragment. Calendarium. Venetia: Nicolo de Balager (Nicolaus dictus Castilia), 1488; Quot. here is 1511 edition, from Horologio della sapientia et meditationi sopra la passione delnostro signore Iesu Christo vulgare (Venetia: S. da Lovere, 1511)

Olga Shutova. Francysk Skaryna’s Bible and Italie: sources, influences and inspirations

Published in: Berkovskie chteniya. Berkov Readings: Book culture in the context of international contacts. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference.

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Padua. Frontispiece inside the front cover. Bernardini Scardeoni, canonici Patavini, De antiquitate vrbis Patavii, & claris ciuibus Patauinis, libri tres, in quindecim classes distincti. Eivsdem appendix De sepvlchris insignibvs exterorvm Patavii iacentivm. Basileae: Nicolaum Episcopium Iuniorem, 1560. Libri III.

Olga Shutova. Again about Skaryna in Padua: New possibilities of reading the old documents. Time, context, circumstances and attendees

Published in English and Belarusian in Belarusian Review – Winter 2014, vol. 26, No. 4. P. 17-23; Spring 2015, vol.

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Title page. Compilatio Leupoldi Ducatus [О. Ш. : компиляция Иоганна Сакробоско] austrie filis de astrorum scientia decem continentis tractatus. Pavia, 1513. Source : Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France.

Olga Shutova. Once again on Francysk Skaryna’s portrait, or the Importance of “reading” the engravings (author’s cut)

Published in Belarus: Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гостарычныя дысцыплнны. Рэд. О. Л. Лiпнiцкая, С. М. Ходзiн. Мiнск: Выд. Белдзяржунiверсiтэта, 2015. This

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Иван IV отправляет Осипа Непею в Англию. Миниатюра Никоновской летописи. XVI век. [Public domain / via Wikimedia Commons]

Olga Shutova. «Clues» paradigm in historiography: new perspectives in Francysk Skaryna Biography Studies

Published in Францыск Скарына: асоба, дзейнасць, спадчына / Цэнтр. навук. б-ка імя Якуба Коласа Нац. акад. навук Беларусі ; уклад. Аляксандр

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